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When hunger strikes . . .

1 Apr

I have been so hungry today! But I have embraced the feeling and ate 🙂

Check out the morning snack

Twas heavenly. I didn’t realise I’d picked up a pink grapefruit at tesco so was surprised when I cut it open. I adore the combination of grapefruit with red grapes. Usually I think of fruits and vegetables as being pretty low in cals. I decided to check out the calorie content of this salad.

I usually consume 50 to 100 calories for my morning snack but I wasn’t too worried.

Plus I learnt to take a screenshot!! Every day’s a school day 😀

Lunch was toast and yoghurt with strawbs and chopped walnuts.

I knew I was meeting a friend for tea-timers (after work drinks) at 5 so I had a big snack at 4.30. I was so hungry by that time anyway so I had my last home-made granola bar and 4 crackers- 2 plain and 2 with PB. I was still hungry! I kind of thought maybe I just hadn’t allowed anytime for the food to settle so I headed to the pub without munching more. I did eat a packet of salted peanuts while at the pub and they seemed to solve the problem! My carb cravings have been getting out of control lately!

In other news: the weather was beautiful today and I set about doing some spring cleaning. I swear my flat is now messier than it was 12 hours ago. Does anyone else make more of a mess when they start doing a ‘proper’ clean? I have a friend visiting for the weekend and he’s never seen my flat so I really want it to be spotless! Hopefully I’ll get further with it tomorrow. I quite enjoyed it today, I put the radio on and the sunshine streaming in the windows put me in a sunshiney mood!

I hope everybody else had a lovely Thursday, and if today was the last day of your working week then YAY!!


1 Apr

Strawberry That Pines To Be Another Fruit Source

How delicious does that look? Have you guys seen them before? Apparently they are being sold in Waitrose for the next 6 weeks and they taste like pineapple. I want one! I’m not sure we even have Waitrose in Scotland but if we do I’ll hunt it down!

April Ambitions

It’s a new month. Speaking of . . . you don’t think the ‘pineberry’ was an April fool?

To me a new month is a great excuse to set myself some goals. I’ve thought long and hard and decided that my main challenge will be to travel 40 miles under my own steam. Using a mixture of swimming, ellipticalling, running, walking and biking. I have been slacking at the gym lately and I think this challenge may help. It may be an incentive to crack the ‘run a mile’ issue I’ve been having. The issue being that I still can’t do it 😉 The other thing I am going to do is try one new recipe a week at least. I’m creating a new page to keep track of the challenge and Laura has kindly let me pinch her idea of having a tracker.

March Review

My main goal in March was to learn to run a mile. Currently I am able to run jog for 2 minutes and then walk for 2, for 20 minutes. I will not count this as a fail because that woud be mean! Instead I’ll just carry the goal forward with less time restrictions on it. I’m quite proud of the kitchen achievements I’ve had. I’ve tried new foods and to cook new things. I’ll also continue working on that, there are a fair few foods that I’ve still to try (I’ve never eaten a mushroom), and many many things that I still haven’t tried cooking!

Does anyone else have things they’d like to achieve in April?