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Happy Friday!

16 Apr

Yesterday was simultaniously busy and lazy. I got up at 11. I had plannd on doing a workout on the wii, David has one and we spent time the night before entering all my details and making up an avatar type thing. I wasn’t impressed- she had a round face. Anyway I gave it a miss due to tiredness. I also missed a supermarket trip before heading home. No more grape nuts, fancy nut butters or yoghurts for me.

I stopped for lunch here:

rest and be thankful A82 Argyll

It’s a little carpark off of a stretch of road called ‘The rest and be thankful’. My car ‘Bug’ enjoyed the view.

grey new beetle

He looks almost clean from a distance.

I stole theseĀ from David’s cupboard, they were the first proper crisps I’ve had in a couple of months. They were good but didn’t make me want to go buy a multi-pack šŸ™‚

Once I got home I did a few things round the flat- washing on etc. then made some food. I had brough some chicken and bacon ravioli home in my cool bag so made that with some dolmio stir-in sauce.

I didn’t like it (I kept coming across little hard bits) so only ate a little bit then had a bowl of Special K with soya milk.

I weighed in this morning at 11st6.6, the lightest I’ve been since I was a teenager. It doesn’t make much sense how I could have lost so much (well only 2 and a half pounds) in 2 weeks. This won’t seem a lot to the seriously healthy weight-loss people but my losses have been a lot slower than this. Maybe it was because I was blogging most of my food. Also, while I was away I snacked less and definitely ate less nut butter and nuts in gereral. I ate less fruit too. I had no serious work-outs but I did do a lot of walking. I had 3 mocha frapps (I had totally planned on only having 1!) which are supposed to have about 260 calsĀ and 6g of protein.

Breakfast/Brunch this morning was porridge of course. Since I’m running low on grape nuts I topped it with cheerios.

Today shall involve some cleaning and some shopping and hopefully a wee bit of exercise!