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Confessions of a chocaholic

5 Apr

Hellooo everybody, it feels like it’s been forever since I last posted. It just shows how much I’ve been enjoying the blog community!

An Easter gift from my Mum.

Yum! Easter Sunday breakfast:

Whipped banana porridge with flax seed. On the top were grape nuts, dark chocolate chips and dried cranberries. It is a little different from childhood Easter breakfasts of pure cadbury’s. In the photo is also some notebook porn for those of you that way inclined 😉

The clouds on the way to my Mum’s.

My visitor and I decided to drive to a local hill/woodland walk anyway.

The trees are behind us! It didn’t rain! By the time we got back to the bottom of the hill the sun was splitting the sky and we pulled a picnic rug out the back of my car to veg on. I ate an apple and drank some water and we had a nice chat.

Dinner was an unpictured hotel bar meal of fish and chips 🙂

Dessert was mars planets and minstrels while watching Life on Mars. Yum!

Today we had pancakes for breakfast. My toppings were a mixture of strawberries, banana, nutella and PB. Heaven! My visitor left at around 2pm, after many hours of tinkering with my laptop to make it sing, dance and generally not freak out when it gets warm. Everyone needs a computer geek in their life 😀

I bought myself some flowers that were reduced in Tesco this morning. There was so much reduced chocolate and I wanted to treat myself to something so I got these gorgeous tulips:

They were only £2.09. Bargain! I only have one vase and so they were squished in there!

I went to the gym this afternoon (and went on Saturday morning too) and then had a green/swamp coloured monster before tea. Frozen spinach, 5 frozen strawberries, strawberry yoghurt, half a banana and a cup of milk = yuuuummy milkshake goodness.

Dinner was a pasta bake. Dessert has yet to be determined but may involve chocolate. From tomorrow I am going to really concentrate on having a healthy week. I weighed in yesterday at 11st 9.2, only 0.2 down from a fortnight ago. Not brilliant but not really surprising! Ah well, fresh start tomorrow 🙂