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All Day Breakfast

19 Apr

Breakfast Number 1

Breakfast Number 2

Breakfast Number 3

Oatmeal cinnamon pancakes

In the mix:

1 cup rolled oats

1 cup plain wholemeal flour

1 egg

1 1/2 skimmed milk (or other type of milk or water)

t baking powder

1/4 t salt

1/2 t cinamon

2 T brown sugar

Follow normal pancake making directions and devour 😀

I loved these, I just pretty much used my normal pancake recipe but added the oats and cinnamon, next time I will try adding nuts, banana or dried fruit. There is no doubt that these are much tastier than the usual white flour pancakes :)They were very slightly sweet and slightly cinnamony. I ate them with marg and marmite.

Pancakes were made and devoured after school as Chris and I were off to climb the local hill which usually takes me about 2 and a half hours, door to door.

The view from near the top:

My whole town. I can see the pub from here . . .

I don’t know whether I’m just a lot fitter than when I went up last year, or if Chris just kept me going at a faster pace but this time I was much faster and only stopped for a total of about 3 minutes. At some points the track is really steep. Altogether it only took 1hr 10 mins. Crazy!

I love Spring/Summer light nights, trips to the beach and long walks 🙂

What have you been doing with your light nights?